Since our 2016 collection, our WOODFELLAS glasses are also glazable (clear, optical or sunglass lenses). You can recognize them by the article number. From item number 10754 upwards, the models are glazable. The optician you trust can fit these models with lenses in your eyesight.
Important: Only organic (plastic) lenses are suitable. For all other models, we expressly point out that the insertion of other lenses is at your own risk and no guarantee is assumed. An experienced optician who is familiar with the material we use may be able to change/insert lenses at your own risk.
Since our glasses are made of real precious woods, they are of course more sensitive than glasses made of plastic. You should therefore always store your glasses in a case when you are not wearing them. To clean your glasses, preferably use the microfiber cloth provided.
If your WOODFELLAS glasses are very dirty, you can also rinse them with warm water and then dry them thoroughly with a soft cloth.
We also recommend that you carefully cream your horn-rimmed glasses with the horn cream available in our store to prevent the horn
from becoming brittle and to maintain the brilliance of the material.
As with all glasses, you should also protect your WOODFELLAS glasses from falls or impacts, as this can damage the frame, temples and/or hinges.
WOODFELLAS offers a two-year warranty on wood and moving parts. In the event of a warranty claim, please email us in advance at
info [ at ] wood-fellas [ dot ] com with your full name, photos of the defective glasses, model number, shipping address, and information about when and from whom (name of optician, name of online retailer) you purchased the glasses. In addition, your e-mail should include a brief description of how the damage of your glasses occurred. We will then contact you immediately.